Paul K. Moser

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
October 25, 2024
Paul K. Moser
Department of Philosophy
Crown Center 381
Loyola University Chicago
1032 West Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60660-1537, USA
Office Phone: 773.508.2291
Office Fax: 773.508.2292


  • Graduate Teaching Fellow, Vanderbilt University, 1980-82
  • Ph.D. in Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, December 1982
  • Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago, 1983-85
  • Associate Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago, 1986-89 (Early promotion, 1986; early tenure, 1987)
  • Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago, 1989-June 30, 2024 (Early promotion, 1989)
  • Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago, July 1, 2024-present
  • Editor, American Philosophical Quarterly, May 2007-July 1, 2013
  • Chairperson of Loyola University Chicago Philosophy Department, August 1997-January 1, 2013
  • Faculty Director of the Loyola University Core Curriculum, July 2004-July 2009


Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Religion, New Testament Studies


I. Authored Books:

1. God on Trial: Testing for the Divine, book manuscript, 8 chapters, 80,000 words, under contract with Fortress Press; for 2025.
2. God in Moral Experience: Values and Duties Personified. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 81,000 words, 256 pages. Overview here.
3. Paul's Gospel of Divine Self-Sacrifice: Righteous Reconciliation in Reciprocity. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 84,500 words, 254 pages. Paperback forthcoming, 2025. Overview here.
4. Divine Guidance: Moral Attraction in Action, in Cambridge Elements series on Problems of God, ed. Michael Peterson. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 30,000 words, 72 pages. Download at: D5134656A3779FCF688501BBF62EC6AA
5. The Divine Goodness of Jesus: Impact and Response. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 84,000 words, 265 pages. Paperback edition, January 2024.
6. Understanding Religious Experience: From Conviction to Life's Meaning. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 109,500 words, 352 + xi pages.
7. The God Relationship: The Ethics for Inquiry about the Divine. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. 359 pages. Paperback, 2018.
8. The Severity of God: Religion & Philosophy Reconceived. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 237 pages. (Polish translation, 2021; PIW Publishing House, Poland, translator Marek Dobrzeniecki.)
9. The Elusive God: Reorienting Religious Epistemology. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 304 pages. Paperback, 2009. Published in Cambridge Books Online, 2009. Winner of the 2011 Alpha Sigma Nu (Honor Society of Jesuit Colleges and Universities) Book Award for Philosophy.
10. The Evidence for God: Religious Knowledge Reexamined. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 289 pages.
11. Philosophy After Objectivity. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. 267 pages. Paperback, 1999. Published in NetLibrary, 2002, and in Oxford Scholarship Online, 2011.
12. Knowledge and Evidence. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Cambridge Studies in Philosophy Series (Series Editor: Sydney Shoemaker). 285 pages. Paperback, 1991.
13. Empirical Justification. Boston/Dordrecht:  D. Reidel (Kluwer/Springer) Publishing Company, 1985. Philosophical Studies Series in Philosophy, Vol. 34 (Series Editors: Keith Lehrer and Wilfrid Sellars). 263 pages. Published also in Reidel's Pallas Paperback Series, 1985.
14. The Theory of Knowledge: A Thematic Introduction (with D.H. Mulder and J.D. Trout). New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. 212 pages. Translated by Marcelo Brandao Cipolla as A Teoria Do Conhecimentio: Uma Introducao Tematica. Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2004. 233 pages.
15. Amore e obbedienza in filosofia (with Roberto Di Ceglie). Turin: Lindau, 2013. 136 pages. (Includes Italian translations by Di Ceglie of entries 89 and 114 in section III below.)

II. Edited Books:

1. Human Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Approaches , co-edited with A. vander Nat. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987, 1995, 2002. (A 582-page anthology with a 28-page general introduction and five section introductions and bibliographies; second edition, 1995; third edition, 2002.)
2. A Priori Knowledge. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Oxford Readings in Philosophy Series. (A 222-page anthology with a 14-page general introduction and a 10-page bibliography.)
3. Empirical Knowledge: Readings in Contemporary Epistemology.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers, 1986, 1996. (A 468-page anthology with a 34-page general introduction and a 17-page topical bibliography; Second Edition, 1996.)
4. Reality In Focus: Contemporary Readings on Metaphysics. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., A Division of Simon & Schuster, Publishers, 1990. (A 456-page anthology with an 11-page general introduction and five section introductions and bibliographies.)
5. Rationality In Action: Contemporary Approaches. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. (A 493-page anthology with a 10-page general introduction, three section introductions, and a topical bibliography.)
6. Contemporary Approaches to Philosophy, co-edited with D.H. Mulder. New York/Toronto: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993. (A 488-page anthology on metaphilosophy, with a 13-page general introduction, four section introductions, and a 15-page topical bibliography; now distributed by Prentice-Hall, Inc.)
7. Contemporary Materialism, co-edited with J.D. Trout. London/New York: Routledge Ltd., 1995. (A 378-page anthology with a 32-page general introduction and a topical bibliography.)
8. Morality and the Good Life, co-edited with T.L. Carson. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. (A 522-page anthology on contemporary ethical theory, with a 22-page general introduction and a 16-page topical bibliography.)
9. Moral Relativism , co-edited with T.L. Carson. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. (A 337-page anthology on contemporary ethical relativism, with a 21-page general introduction and a 6-page topical bibliography.)
10. Divine Hiddenness: New Essays, co-edited with D. Howard-Snyder. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. (A 242-page anthology of previously unpublished essays by eleven authors on the idea of a God who hides.) Published in Cambridge Books Online, 2009.
11. Oxford Handbook of Epistemology. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. (A 595-page anthology of previously unpublished essays by nineteen authors, in the series Oxford Handbooks of Philosophy, a series of which I am the General Editor.) Published in Oxford Scholarship Online, 2004. Turkish translation, 2020.
12. The Rationality of Theism, co-edited with Paul Copan. London/New York: Routledge Ltd., 2003. (A 292-page anthology of previously unpublished essays by thirteen authors on evidence for Christian theism.)
13. Jesus and Philosophy: New Essays. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Portuguese translation, Sao Paolo: Madras, 2010. (A 236-page anthology of ten previously unpublished essays on what Jesus has to do with philosophy.)
14. The Wisdom of the Christian Faith, co-edited with Michael McFall. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. (A 280-page anthology of twelve previously unpublished essays on the nature of Christian wisdom.)
15. The Testimony of the Spirit: New Essays, co-edited with Doug Geivett. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. 282 pages. (A collection of eleven previously unpublished essays on the witness of the Spirit of God.) Also in Oxford Scholarship Online.
16. The Cambridge Companion to the Problem of Evil, co-edited with Chad Meister. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. 278 pages. (A collection of thirteen previously unpublished essays on God and the problem of evil.)
17. God in Experience: Essays of Hugh Ross Mackintosh, co-edited with Benjamin Nasmith. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications/Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2018. 240 pages.
18. God of Holy Love: Essays of P.T. Forsyth, co-edited with Benjamin Nasmith. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications/Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2019. Cambridge, Eng.: James Clarke & Co Ltd, 2021. 387+vii pages, 160,000 words.
19. The Cambridge Companion to Religious Experience, co-edited with Chad Meister. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 350 pages; 127,000 words.
20. Atonement and Experience: Writings of James Denney, co-edited with Benjamin Nasmith. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications/Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2022. 204 pages; 82,000 words.

1. "Rationality Without Surprises: Davidson on Rational Belief," in Dialectica: International Review of Philosophy of Knowledge, Vol. 37, #3 (1983), 221-26.
2. "William James' Theory of Truth," in Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy, Vol. 2, #2 (1983), 217-22.
3. "Two Notions of Substance in Metaphysics Z," in Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science, Vol. 17, #2 (1983), 103-12.
4. "Types, Tokens, and Propositions: Quine's Alternative to Propositions," in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 44, #3 (1984), 361-75.
5. "On Negative Coherentism and Subjective Justification," in The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 22, #1 (1984), 83-90.
6. "Natural Evil and the Free Will Defense," in The International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 15, #1 (1984), 49-56.
7. "Justified Doubt Without Certainty," in The Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 65, #1 (1984), 97-104.
8. "A Defense of Epistemic Intuitionism," in Metaphilosophy, Vol. 15, #3 (1984), 196-209.
9. "Whither Infinite Regresses of Justification?," in The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 23, #1 (1985), 65-74.
10. "Two Paradoxes of Rational Acceptance," (with J. Tlumak), in Erkenntnis: An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Vol. 23, #2 (1985), 127-41.
11. "On Basic Knowledge Without Justification," in The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 15, #2 (1985), 305-10.
12. "Kripke and Wittgenstein: Intention Without Paradox," (with K. Flannery), in The Heythrop Journal, Vol. 26, #3 (1985), 310-18.
13. "Knowledge Without Evidence," in Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel, Vol. 15, #2 (1985), 109-16.
14. "Things in Themselves as Regulative Ideas: What Kant Should Have Said," in Philosophical Inquiry, Vol. 7, #2 (1985), 21-36.
15. "Does Uncertainty Require Certainty?," in Logique et Analyse, Vol. 28, #109 (1985), 83-91.
16. "Justification and Indefinite Propositions: Disarming Gettier's Counterexamples," in Critica, Vol. 16, #46 (1984), 3-13.
17. "The Given in Epistemology," in Communication and Cognition, Vol. 18, #3 (1985), 249-62.
18. "Does Foundationalism Rest on a Mistake?," in Conceptus: Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Vol. 19, #48 (1985), 9-22. Published also in Philosophical Studies (Ireland), Vol. 31 (1986), 183-96.
19. "On Scientific Justification By Consensus," in Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie (Journal for General Philosophy of Science), Vol. 17, #1 (1986), 154-61.
20. "Ascending from Empirical Foundations," in Synthese: An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 68, #2 (1986), 189-203.
21. "Perception and Belief: A Regress Problem," in Philosophy of Science, Vol. 53, #1 (1986), 120-26.
22. "Epistemic Coherentism and the Isolation Objection," in Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie, Vol. 27 (1986), 83-99.
23. "Propositional Knowledge," in Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, Vol. 52, #1 (1987), 91-114. Reprinted in Knowledge and Justification, ed. E. Sosa (Aldershot, Eng./Brookfield, VT: Dartmouth Publishing Company/Ashgate, 1994), Vol. I, pp. 99-124.
24. "The Foundations of Epistemological Probability," in Erkenntnis: An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Vol. 29, #2 (1988), 231-51.
25. "Foundationalism, the Given, and C. I. Lewis," in the History of Philosophy Quarterly, Vol. 5, #2 (1988), 189-204.
26. "A Dilemma for Normative Moral Relativism," in The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 26, #2 (1988), 207-216.
27. "Meaning, Justification, and Skepticism," in Philosophical Papers, Vol. 17, #2 (1988), 77-101.
28. "Internalism and Coherentism: A Dilemma," in Analysis, Vol. 48, #4 (1988), 161-63.
29. "How Not to be a Coherentist" (A Reply to L. BonJour), in Analysis, Vol. 48, #4 (1988), 166-67.
30. "Lehrer's Coherentism and the Isolation Objection," in The Current State of the Coherence Theory, ed. John Bender (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989), pp. 29-37.
31. "Inferential Justification and Foley's Foundations," in Analysis, Vol. 49, #2 (1989), 84-88.
32. "A Defense of Empirical Justification," in Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, Vol. 56, #2 (1989), 209-15.
33. "Reliabilism and Relevant Worlds," in Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel, Vol. 19, #2-3 (1989), 155-64. (Special issue on Alvin Goldman's Epistemology and Cognition).
34. "Two Roads to Skepticism," in Doubting: Contemporary Perspectives on Skepticism, eds. Glenn Ross and Michael Roth (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1990), pp. 127-39.
35. "A Dilemma for Internal Realism," in Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, Vol. 59, #1 (1990), 101-106.
36. "Reasons, Values, and Rational Action," in the Journal of Philosophical Research, Vol. 15 (1990), 127-51 (formerly Philosophy Research Archives), special issue on Dimensions of Rationality, edited by Robert Audi.
37. "A Dilemma for Sentential Dualism," in Linguistics and Philosophy, Vol. 13, #6 (1990), 687-98.
38. "Consequentialism and Self-Defeat," in The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 41, #162 (1991), 82-85.
39. "Malcolm on Wittgenstein on Rules," in Philosophy (The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy), Vol. 66, #255 (1991), 101-105.
40. "Physicalism and Intentional Attitudes," in Behavior and Philosophy, Vol. 18, #2 (1990) (formerly Behaviorism), 33-41.
41. "The Logical Status of Modal Reductionism," (with A. vander Nat), in Logique et Analyse, Vol. 31, ##121-122 (1988), 69-78.
42. "Scientific Rationality and Progress: A Paradox in Laudan's Account," in Theoria et Historia Scientiarum (Poland), Vol. 1, #1 (1991), 75-82.
43. "Realism and Agnosticism," in the American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 29, #1 (1992), 1-17.
44. "Physicalism and Global Supervenience," in The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 30, #1 (1992), 71-82.
45. "Analyticity and Epistemology," in Dialectica: International Review of Philosophy of Knowledge, Vol. 46, #1 (1992), 3-19.
46. "Beyond the Private Language Argument," in Metaphilosophy, Vol. 23, ##1-2 (1992), 77-89.
47. Entries on 'The Gettier Problem' and 'Tripartite Definition of Knowledge' in A Companion to Epistemology, eds. J. Dancy and E. Sosa (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1992), pp. 157-59, 509; 2d ed. (2010), pp. 395-97, 771-72.
48. "Surviving Souls," (with A. vander Nat), in The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 23, #1 (1993), 101-6.
49. "Methodology and Ontology," (with D.H. Mulder), in Methodology and Science, Vol. 26, #3 (1993), 101-20.
50. "Intentional Action," (with A.R. Mele), in Noûs, Vol. 28, #1 (1994), 39-68. Reprinted in Action Theory (Oxford Readings in Philosophy), ed. A.R. Mele (New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 223-55.
51. "Naturalism and Psychological Explanation," in Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 7, #1 (1994), 63-84.
52. "Beyond Realism and Idealism," in Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel, Vol. 23, ##1-4 (1994), 271-88.
53. "Probability in Rational Decision-Making," (with D.H. Mulder), in Philosophical Papers, Vol. 23, #2 (1994), 109-28.
54. "Physicalism, Supervenience, and Dependence," (with J.D. Trout), in Supervenience: New Essays, eds. Ü. D. Yalçin and E. E. Savellos (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 187-217.
55. Entries on 'Epistemology' (pp. 233-38), 'Foundationalism' (pp. 276-78), 'Epistemic Regress Argument' (p. 233), 'Metaphilosophy' (p. 487), and 'Pretheoretical' (p. 642) in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, ed. Robert Audi (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995; 2d ed., 1999).
56. Entry on 'Truth' in Philosophy of Education: An Encyclopedia, ed. J. J. Chambliss (New York: Garland Publishing Company, 1996), pp. 647-49.
57. Entries on 'Philosophy' (pp. 406-407), 'Rationality' (pp. 488-90), and 'Propositional Knowledge' (pp. 473-75) in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Supplement, ed. D. M. Borchert (New York: Macmillan, 1996).
58. "Précis of Philosophy after Objectivity" and "Reply to Quinn and Audi on Philosophy after Objectivity," in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 56, #2 (1996), 379-85, 401-406.
59. "Relativism and Normative Nonrealism: Basing Morality on Rationality," (with T.L. Carson), in Metaphilosophy, Vol. 27, #3 (1996), 277-95. Reprinted in Moral Relativism, eds. Paul Moser and Thomas Carson (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 287-304.
60. "Physicalism and Mental Causes: Contra Papineau," in Analysis, Vol. 56, #4 (1996), 263-67. Published also in the electronic journal Analyst, Vol. 2, #11 (February 1996), preprint no. 19.
61. "Epistemology," in Meaning, Knowledge, and Value (Vol. 10, Pt. 2, of the Routledge History of Philosophy), ed. John Canfield (London: Routledge, 1997), chapter 7, pp. 197-246.
62. "Against Naturalizing Rationality," (with D. Yandell), in Protosociology (special issue on rationality), Vol. 8 (1996), 81-96. Reprinted in The Contextualization of Rationality, eds. G. Preyer and G. Peter (Paderborn, Germany: Mentis Verlag, 2000; 2d ed., 2014), pp. 81-94.
63. "The Relativity of Skepticism," (part of a book symposium), in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 57, #2 (1997), 401-406.
64. Entry on 'Rudolf Carnap' in The Encyclopedia of Empiricism, eds. E. Barbanell and D. Garrett (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1997), pp. 60-63.
65. "Human Persons: Their Nature, Faith, and Function," in Ex Auditu, Vol. 13 (1997), 17-36.
66. Entries on 'A Priori' and 'A Posteriori' in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. E. J. Craig (London: Routledge, 1998), Vol. 1, pp. 1-6. Excerpts published in The Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2000), p. 1. Original entries updated in 2010 for online version of REP, at: &
67. "Epistemological Fission: On Unity and Diversity in Epistemology," in The Monist (special issue on reunifying epistemology), Vol. 81, #3 (1998), 353-70.
68. "Materalism" (with J.D. Trout), in C. Eliasmith, ed., Online Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind (1998/2004). Posted at
69. "Realism, Objectivity, and Skepticism," in the Blackwell Guide to Epistemology, eds. E. Sosa and J. Greco (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998), pp. 70-91.
70. "Jesus on Knowledge of God," in the Christian Scholars Review, Vol. 28, #4 (1999), 586-604. (Awarded the Charles J. Miller Christian Scholar's Award for the best article published in Vol. 28.)
71. Entries on 'Belief' and 'Irrationality', in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 2d ed., ed. Robert Audi (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 78-79, 443-44. Entry on 'Divine Hiddenness' for 3d ed., 2015, pp. 458-59.
72. "Response to Stephen Davis's 'This is Truly the Savior of the World'," in Ex Auditu, Vol. 14 (1998), 104-107.
73. "La raison, l'experience et la confiance" (with J.D. Trout and D.H. Mulder), in Sciences Humaines, Vol. 24 (March/April 1999), 60-64. (This is an amplified French version of chapter 6 of my co-authored book, The Theory of Knowledge (Oxford University Press, 1998).)
74. Entries on 'Apostle' and 'John' in the Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ed. David Noel Freedman (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2000).
75. "Skepticism, Question Begging, and Burden Shifting," in the Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 5: Epistemology, ed. R. Cobb-Stevens (Bowling Green, OH: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2000), pp. 209-17.
76. "The Human Personal Factor as Moral Agency: Philosophical Foundations," in The Review of Human Factor Studies, Vol. 5, #1 (2000), 33-42.
77. Why Isn't God More Obvious? Atlanta: RZIM, 2000. (A 60-page booklet written for an undergraduate university audience.)
78. "Farewell to Philosophical Naturalism" (with D. Yandell), in Naturalism: Critical Essays, eds. W.L. Craig and J.P. Moreland (London: Routledge, 2000), pp. 3-23.
79. "Justification, Meta-Epistemology, and Meaning," in Epistemology, eds. E. Sosa and J. Kim (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000), pp. 556-70. (An excerpt from my Philosophy After Objectivity.)
80. "Cognitive Idolatry and Divine Hiding," in Divine Hiddenness: New Essays, eds. D. Howard-Snyder and Paul Moser (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 120-48. German translation in Verborgenheit Gottes: Klassische und aktuelle Beiträge aus Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, eds. Georg Gasser, Armin Kreiner, Veronika Weidner (Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2020), pp. 149-80.
81. "Divine Hiding," in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 3, #1 (2001), 91-107.
82. "A God Who Hides and Seeks: A Response to Davis and DeWeese," in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 3, #1 (2001), 119-25.
83. "Man to Man with Warranted Christian Belief and Alvin Plantinga," in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 3, #2 (2001), 369-77.
84. "Cognitive Inspiration and Knowledge of God," in The Rationality of Theism, eds. Paul Copan and Paul Moser (London: Routledge, 2003), pp. 55-71.
85. "Divine Hiddenness Does Not Justify Atheism" and "Reply to Schellenberg," in Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion, eds. M.L. Peterson and R.J. VanArragon (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004), pp. 42-54, 56-58.
86. "Skepticism Undone?," in Ernest Sosa and His Critics, ed. J. Greco (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004), pp. 135-44.
87. "The Crisis of the Cross: God as Scandalous," in Mel Gibson's Passion and Philosophy, ed. Jorge Gracia (La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 2004), pp. 204-17.
88."Foundationalism," in the New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Vol. 2, ed. M.C. Horowitz (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2005).
89. "Jesus and Philosophy: On the Questions We Ask," in Faith and Philosophy, Vol. 22, #3 (July 2005), 261-83. Italian translation included in Paul K. Moser and Roberto Di Ceglie, Amore e obbedienza in filosofia (Turin: Lindau, November 2013), pp. 39-81.
90. Supplement to "Philosophy of Religion," in the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2d ed., ed. D. Borchert (Detroit: Macmillan, 2006).
91. "Reorienting Religious Epistemology: Cognitive Grace, Filial Knowledge, and Gethsemane Struggle," in For Faith and Clarity: Philosophical Contributions to Christian Theology, ed. J. Beilby (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2006), pp. 65-81.
92. "Reliability of Sense Perception," in the New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, eds. W.C. Campbell-Jack and G.J. McGrath (Leicester, Eng.: InterVarsity Press, 2006), pp. 662-63.
93. "Christianity," in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, eds. C. Meister and P. Copan (London: Routledge, 2007), pp. 65-73. 2d ed., 2013.
94. "Onfray on Meslier on Atheism," in New Politics, Vol. 11, #2 (2007), 5-6.
95. "Divine Hiddenness, Death, and Meaning," in Philosophy of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Issues, eds. P. Copan and C. Meister (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008), pp. 215-27. Reprinted in The Philosophy of Religion Reader, ed. C. Meister (London: Routledge, 2008), pp. 613-24. Reprinted also in Exploring the Meaning of Life, ed. J. Seachris (Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2013), pp. 481-91.
96. "Religious Skepticism," in The Oxford Handbook of Skepticism, ed. J. Greco (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 200-224.
97. Entries on "Agnosticism," "Atheism," and "Relativism" in the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2d ed., ed. William A. Darity (Detroit: Gale-Macmillan Reference, 2008), Vol 1, pp. 57, 194-95, Vol. 7, pp. 155-57.
98. "Evidence of a Morally Perfect God," in God is Great, God is Good, eds. William Lane Craig and Chad Meister (Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2009), pp. 49-62.
99. Entries on "Knowledge" (with A. vander Nat) and "Epistemology" for the Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, 3d ed., eds. Marcia J. Bates and Mary Niles Maack (New York: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2009).
100. "Sin and Salvation," in The Cambridge Companion to Christian Philosophical Theology, eds. Charles Taliaferro and Chad Meister (Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 136-51.
101. "Kierkegaard's Conception of God" (with Mark McCreary), in Philosophy Compass, Vol. 5, #2 (2010), pp. 127-35.
102. "Religious Exclusivism," in The Oxford Handbook of Religious Diversity, ed. Chad Meister (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), pp. 77-88. (Adapted version, "Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Kardiatheology," for a symposium on religious diversity in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 11, #2 (2009), pp. 293-308.)
103. "Agapeic Theism: Personifying Evidence and Moral Struggle," in the European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 2, #2 (Autumn 2010), pp. 1-18.
104. "Undermining the Case for Evidential Atheism," in Religious Studies, Vol. 48, #1 (2012), 83-93.
105. "Faith," in Being Good: Christian Virtues for Everyday Life, eds. Michael Austin and Douglas Geivett (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012), pp. 13-29.
106. "Religious Epistemology Personified: God without Natural Theology," in The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity, eds. James Stump and Alan Padgett (Blackwell, 2012), pp. 151-61.
107. "God, Flux, and the Agape Struggle," in Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 4 (2012), 126-43.
108. "Reconceiving Philosophy of Religion," in Discusiones Filos贸ficas (Colombia), Vol. 13, #20 (2012), 115-36.
109. "Gethsemane Epistemology: Volitional and Evidential," in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 14, #2 (Winter 2012), 263-74. (opening essay for a symposium on Paul Moser, The Evidence for God).
110. "Natural Theology and the Evidence for God: Reply to Harold Netland, Charles Taliaferro, and Kate Waidler," in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 14, #2 (Winter 2012), 305-11. (concluding essay for a symposium on Paul Moser, The Evidence for God).
111. "Soteriology," in The Routledge Companion to Modern Christian Thought, eds. Chad Meister and James Beilby (London: Routledge, 2013), pp. 482-92.
112. "God and Evidence: A Cooperative Approach" in the European Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 5, #2 (Summer 2013), 91-105.
113. "Christianity and Miracles," in Debating Christian Theism, eds. Chad Meister, J.P. Moreland, and K. Sweis (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 287-97.
114. "Philosophy, Wisdom, and the Obedience Mode: Reply to Roberto Di Ceglie." Italian translation included in Paul K. Moser and Roberto Di Ceglie, Amore e obbedienza in filosofia (Turin: Lindau, November 2013), pp. 108-28.
115. "On the Axiology of Theism: Reply to Klaas Kraay," in the Toronto Journal of Theology, Vol. 29, #2 (2013), 271-76.
116. "God without Argument," in Is Faith in God Reasonable?, eds. Corey Miller and Paul Gould (London: Routledge, 2014), pp. 69-83.
117. "The Virtue of Friendship with God," in Religious Faith and Intellectual Virtue, eds. Timothy O'Connor and Laura Callahan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. 140-155.
118. "Toward Christ-Shaped Philosophy," in Christian Scholarship in the 21st Century, eds. Thomas M. Crisp, Steve Porter, and Gregg Ten Elshof (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014), pp. 34-52. (expanded version of #141 below).
119. "From Christian Faith to Christian Philosophy," in the Journal of Spiritual Formation, Vol. 7, #2 (2014), 258-69.
120. "God as Overwhelmingly Other: From Gethsemane Weakness to Faith," in The Way (Campion Hall, Oxford), Vol. 54, #1 (January 2015), 91-103.
121. "God and Epistemic Authority," in a special online issue (on the philosophy of religion) of the Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, Vol. 14, #2 (2015), 415-24.
122. "New Testament Apologetics, Arguments, and the End of Christian Apologetics as We Know It," in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 17, #2 (Winter 2015), 385-96 (5,000 words).
123. "Divine Hiddenness and Self-Sacrifice," in Hidden Divinity and Religious Belief: New Perspectives, eds. Eleonore Stump and Adam Green (Cambridge University Press, 2016), pp. 71-88 (8,000 words).
124. "Affective Gethsemane Meaning for Life," in God and Meaning: New Essays, eds. Stewart Goetz and Joshua Seachris (New York: Bloomsbury, 2016), pp. 167-84. (8,000 words)
125. Preface to Richard M. Gale, On the Nature and Existence of God, Cambridge Philosophy Classics Edition (Cambridge University Press, 2016), pp. ix-x.
126. "The Conformation Model," in Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy (Counterpoint Series), eds. Paul Gould and Richard Davis (Harper, 2016), pp. 175-200 (8,000 words).Accompanied by Responses to Oppy (pp. 59-64), Oliphint (pp. 111-116), and McGrew (pp. 163-68), and a Rejoinder to Oppy, Oliphint, and McGrew (pp. 219-24) (6,000 words & 2,000 words).
127. "How Not to Defend Positive Evidential Atheism," in Religious Studies, vol. 53, #4 (December 2017), 459-465 (3,000 words).
128. "Reason and Faith in God," in the Polish philosophy journal Roczniki Filozofiozne (Annals of Philosophy), vol. 64, #4 (December 2016) (opening essay in a special issue on the philosophy of religion), 5-20. (6,200 words).
129. "Philosophy, Christian Philosophy, and Christian Faith: Reply to Hasker," in the Polish philosophy journal Roczniki Filozofiozne (Annals of Philosophy), vol. 64, #4 (December 2016) (a special issue on the philosophy of religion), 41-54. (5,300 words).
130. "Attributes of God: Goodness, Hiddenness, Everlastingness," in Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Philosophy, Vol. 8: Philosophy of Religion, ed. Donald Borchert (New York: Macmillan, 2017), pp. 17-31 (8,000 words).
131. "Hiddenness of God," in Dictionary of Christianity and Science, eds. Paul Copan et al. (HarperCollins, 2017), pp. 351-52 (1,300 words).
132. "Paul the Apostle [his epistemology]," in The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology, eds. William Abraham and Fred Aquino (Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 327-39 (6,700 words).
133. "Inner Witness of the Spirit," in The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology, eds. William Abraham and Fred Aquino (Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 111-125 (8,000 words).
134. "Is Traditional Natural Theology Cognitively Presumptuous?" (with Clinton Neptune), in the European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 9, #2 (2017) (a special issue on natural theology), 213-222 (3,800 words).
135. "First-Order Theistic Religion: Intentional Power beyond Belief," in the European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 9, #3 (2017) (special issue on first- and second-order religion), 31-48 (6,500 words).
136. "Theodicy, Christology, and Divine Hiding: Neutralizing the Problem of Evil," in The Expository Times, vol. 129, #5 (Feb. 2018), 191-200, 6,000 words. [Online version:]
137. "God, Suffering, and Certitude: From Transcendence to Immanence," in Sintese: Revista de Filosofia, vol. 44, #140 (Dec. 2017), 461-479 (Brazil; special issue on transcendence in the philosophy of religion), 8,000 words.
138. "Convictional Knowledge, Science, and the Spirit of Christ," in Christ and the Created Order, eds. Andrew Torrance and Tom McCall (Grand Rapids, MI: Harper/Zondervan Academic, 2018), pp. 197-213, 6,400 words.
139. "Towards a Christian Philosophy of the Cross" (with Benjamin Nasmith), in The Expository Times, vol. 130 (2018), 1-12, online version, 7,020 words.
140. "Pascal's Wager and the Ethics for Inquiry about God," in Pascal's Wager, eds. Paul Bartha and Lawrence Pasternack (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), 8,500 words, pp. 64-83.
141. "Christian Philosophy and Christ Crucified: Fragmentary Theory in Scandalous Power," in Christian Philosophy: Conceptions, Continuations, and Challenges, ed. J. Aaron Simmons (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), 9,100 words, pp. 209-28.
142. "Doxastic Foundations: Theism," in Theism and Atheism: Opposing Viewpoints in Philosophy, eds. Joseph Koterski and Graham Oppy (New York: Macmillan Reference, 2019), pp. 103-118, 11,500 words.
143. "And Finally ... Life's Crux: Conviction for Koinonia," in The Expository Times, Vol. 130, #6 (March 2019), 284, 525 words.
144. "Divine Power, Friendship, and Theodicy," in Process Studies, Vol. 49, #1 (2020), 54-75, 77-78, 8,500 words (with a reply to Ruslan Elistratov).
145. "Having 'Ears to Hear': Jesus, Gethsemane, and Epistemology," in the Evangelical Quarterly, Vol. 91, #2 (2020), 147-62, 8,400 words.
146. "Jesus as Moral-Kingmaker," in the Biblical Theology Bulletin, Vol. 50, #4 (2020), 216-26, 8,300 words.
147. "Responsive Phenomenology of God: On Varying Divine Evidence," in The Expository Times, Vol. 132, #10 (2021), 426-35, 6,500 words, published online at:
148. "Jesus and Abba in Gethsemane: A Center in Filial Cooperation," in the Journal of Theological Interpretation, Vol. 15, #1 (2021), 63-78, 7,000 words.
149. "God De Re et De Dicto: Kierkegaard, Faith, and Religious Diversity," in the Scottish Journal of Theology, Vol. 74, #2 (2021), 135-46, 6,750 words.
150. "Experiential Dissonance and Divine Hiddenness," in a special issue on divine hiddenness of the Polish journal Roczniki Filozofiozne (Annals of Philosophy), Vol. 69, #3 (2021), 29-42, 5,500 words.
151. "God as Righteous Agitator: Grounding Biblical Theology," in Biblical Theology Bulletin, Vol. 51, 4 (2021), 35-44, 7,000 words; online version:
152. "Theodicy Incarnate: Divine Self-Justification," in The Expository Times, Vol. 133, #5 (2022), 192-200, 5,700 words, online:
153. "Jesus of Nazareth" (2,200 words) and "Divine Hiddenness" (3,100 words), in the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, eds. Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro (Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2021).
154. "The Fear of the Lord: The Beginning of Reconciliation," in the Irish Theological Quarterly, Vol. 87, #2 (2022), 148-63, 8,725 words.
155. "Using the Bible with Candor," in Listening: A Journal of Religion and Culture, Vol. 56, #3 (2021), 229-39, 5,700 words, special issue on the use and abuse of the Bible (I am Guest Editor).
156. "Divine Hiddenness, Agape Conviction, and Spiritual Discernment," in Perceiving Things Divine: Towards a Constructive Account of Spiritual Perception, eds. Paul Gavrilyuk and Frederick Aquino (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2022), pp. 177-92, 7,500 words.
157. "Why Does God Hide from Us?" (booklet; West Lafayette, IN: Ratio Christi, 2022), 9,000 words; 25 pages. Free download at:
158. "Grounded Hope in God: Epiphany and Promise," in Theology Today, Vol. 79, #2 (2022), 104-114, 5,389 words.
159. "Divine Self-Disclosure in Filial Values: The Problem of Guided Goodness," in Modern Theology 39, #1 (Jan 2023), 68-88, 12,300 words (published online Sept. 12, 2022, Open Access:
160. "God and Redemptive Friendship," in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Friendship, ed. Diane Jeske (London: Routledge, 2022), pp. 115-25, 7,000 words.
161. "Faith, Power, and Philosophy: Divine-Human Interaction Reclaimed," in International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, Vol. 83, #2 (2022), 281-95, 8,250 words.
162. "Divine Moral Inspiration: Unity in Biblical Theology," in Biblical Theology Bulletin, Vol. 52, #4 (2022), 136-45, 6,700 words.
163. "God with Us in Moral Conflict: Divine Righteousness Personified," in The Expository Times, Vol. 134, #8 (May 2023), 335-45, 6,850 words. Here.
164. "Biblical Theodicy of Righteous Fulfillment: Divine Promise and Proximity," in Irish Theological Quarterly, Vol. 88, #2 (2023), online, 16 pages, 8,500 words.
165. "Theodicy as Trajectory:Towards Co-Conquest for Righteousness," in European Journal of Theology, Vol. 32, #1 (April 2023), 79-98, 7,200 words.
166. "Being Commanded by God: Katharsis for Righteousness," in Journal of Philosophical Theological Research (Iran), Vol. 25, #3 (Fall 2023), 1-21, 8,000 words (Published as an Article in Press, for a Special Issue on Comparative Philosophy of Religion).
167. "Moral Rapport in Communion of the Spirit," in Pneuma, Vol. 45 (2023), 40-54, 6,300 words.
168. "From Glory to Glory: Divine Perfection Shared," in The Expository Times, Vol. 135, #4 (2024), 134-44, 6,300 words.
169. "Finding God in Moral Experience." Overview of God in Moral Experience here.
170. "God Has Something to Prove: Vindication in Biblical Theology," in Theology Today, Vol. 80, #3 (2023), 250-60, 5,500 words.
171. "The Long and Short of It All: Philosophy without Nihilism," in Finding Meaning: Crisis in Philosophy, ed. Steven DeLay (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2023), 31-41, 4,600 words.
172. "God as Über-King of Moral Leading: Veiled and Unveiled," in Perichoresis, Vol. 23, #4 (2023), 72-85, 5,900 words (special issue on divine hiddenness).
173. "We Have the Mind of Christ: Religious Epistemology Transformed," in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 25, #2 (2023), 261-80, 9,500 words.
174. "A Deflationary View," in Natural Theology: Five Views, eds. James K. Dew and R.P. Campbell (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024), 153-74, 9,900 words. (Plus four replies to co-contributors, 11,600 words, and a final response, 3,000 words).
175. "Honouring Moral Theophany," in the Expository Times, Vol. 135, #6 (2024), 268-269.
176. "Theistic Religious Experience and Scientific Testing," in the Oxford Handbook of Psychedelic, Religious, Spiritual, and Mystical (PRSM) Experiences, eds. Michiel van Elk & David Bryce Yaden (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2024), 16 pages, 8,050 words, published online, May 28, 2024.
177. "Moderatinging Natural Theology: A Heuristic Interrogative Approach," in Religions, Vol. 15 (2024), 1-13, 8,200 words, Open Access at:]
178. "God of Promise and Voucher: Alienation, Reconciliation, and Resurrection," in New Blackfriars, Vol. 105 (2024), 1-15, 8,020 words, special issue, Open Access at:
179. "Paul's Theology of Triumph in Glory: Resurrection and Cross United," forthcoming in the Journal of Theological Interpretation, Vol. 18, #2 (2024), 263-80, 6,800 words (now in page-proofs).
Review Articles & Online Publications
1. "Harman's Change In View," in Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie, Vol. 30 (1987), 179-87.
2. "Observation and Objectivity" (review article on Observation and Objectivity, by H. I. Brown), in The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 39, #4 (1988), 551-61.
3. "Some Recent Work in Epistemology" (review article on Philosophical Perspectives, 2: Epistemology, ed. J. E. Tomberlin), in Philosophical Papers, Vol. 19, #2 (1990), 75-98.
4. "Justification in the Natural Sciences," in The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 42, #4 (1991), 557-75.
5. "Rationality, Symbolism, and Evolution" (Critical Notice of The Nature of Rationality, by R. Nozick), in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 2, #2 (1994), 287-96.
6. "Warrant, Naturalism, and Supernaturalism" (Critical Notice, with D.H. Mulder, of Warrant: The Current Debate and Warrant and Proper Function, by A. Plantinga), in Philosophical Books, Vol. 37, #1 (1996), 21-29.
7. "What is Feminist Epistemology?" (review article, with J.D. Trout, on three books), in Informal Logic, Vol. 17, #1 (1995), 101-111.
8. "Philosophy of Religion and Christian Resurrection" (Critical Notice of The Resurrection of God Incarnate, by R. Swinburne), in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 12, #1 (2004), 61-69.
9. "Christ-Shaped Philosophy." Online symposium paper (13 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical society, August 5, 2012, here.
10. "Reply to Oppy." Online discussion paper (3 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, October 9, 2012, here.
11. "Reply to Hasker." Online discussion paper (7 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, November 8, 2012, here.
12. "Rejoinder to the Rejoinders of Oppy and Hasker." Online discussion paper (6 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, December 9, 2012, here.
13. "Doing and Teaching Christian Philosophy: Reply to McFall." Online discussion paper (13 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, February 9, 2013, here.
14. "Christian Philosophy without Sociology: Reply to Woldeyohannes." Online discussion paper (7 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, March 6, 2013, here.
15. "On Traditional Philosophy and Natural Theology: A Rejoinder." Online discussion paper (9 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, April 11, 2013, here.
16. "Beyond Spectator Evidence to Pneumatic Evidence: Reply to Charles Taliaferro." Online discussion paper (8 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, May 1, 2013, here.
17. "On Ramified Natural Theology: Reply to Menuge." Online discussion paper (4 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, May 8, 2013, here.
18. "Rejoinder to Angus Menuge on Personalized Ramified Natural Theology." Online discussion paper (9 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, June 21, 2013, here.
19. "Gethsemane Epistemology, Pneumatic Evidence, and Divine Agape: Reply to Aaron Preston." Online discussion paper (17 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, August 19, 2013, here.
20. "How Not to Defend Natural Theology: A Reply." Online discussion paper (11 pages), on the website of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, September 30, 2013, here.
21. "Pandemic: All for Nothing? Or Learning Opportunity?" Cambridge University Press blog, May 12, 2020, here.
22. "Nihilism, God, and Philosophy," here (1,050 words).

1. Review of Reasons and Knowledge, by M. Swain, in The International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 22, #3 (1982), 212-15.
2. "Bibliography on Propositions and Truth-Bearers: From Frege to 1981," in Philosophy Research Archives, Vol. 8, #2 (1982), 14 pages.
3. Review of Scepticism: A Critical Appraisal, by N. Rescher, in The New Scholasticism, Vol. 57, #4 (1983), 553-55.
4. "Gettier Knowledge." Review of The Analysis of Knowing, by R. Shope, in Teaching Philosophy, Vol. 7, #2 (1984), 174-77.
5. Review of Religious Belief and Religious Skepticism, by G. Gutting, in The International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 15, #1 (1984), 94-95.
6. Review of Cognitive Systematization, by N. Rescher, in Auslegung: A Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 10, #3 (1984), 290-93.
7. Review of Perception and Cognition, by J. Heil, in The International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 24, #3 (1984), 332-35.
8. Review of Knowledge and the Flow of Information, by F.I. Dretske, in The New Scholasticism, Vol. 60, #1 (1986), 116-21.
9. Review of The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism, by B. Stroud, in The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 37, #2 (1986), 235-38.
10. Review of An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, by J. Dancy, in The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 40, #1 (1986), 110-12.
11. Review of The Structure of Empirical Knowledge, by L. BonJour, in The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 40, #2 (1986), 372-74.
12. Critical Notice of The Structure of Empirical Knowledge, by L. BonJour, in Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, Vol. 47, #4 (1987), 670-73.
13. Review of Epistemology and Cognition, by A.I. Goldman, in The International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 27, #2 (1987), 217-21.
14. Review of Contemporary Theories of Knowledge, by J.L. Pollock, in The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 39, #1 (1988), 131-40.
15. Review note on Objectivity, Rationality, and the Third Realm, by M.A. Notturno, in Ethics, Vol. 98, #3 (1988), 623-24.
16. Review of Epistemic Responsibility, by L. Code, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 29, #3 (1988), 154-56.
17. Review of Remnants of Meaning, by S. Schiffer, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 29, #4 (1988), 217-20.
18. Review of Wittgenstein and the Turning-Point in the Philosophy of Mathematics, by S.G. Shanker, in History of European Ideas, Vol. 10, #1 (1989), 124-26.
19. Review of Sense Perception and the Philosophy of Science, by P.A. Heelan, in ISIS (Journal of the History of Science Society), Vol. 80, #4 (1989), 741-42.
20. Critical Notice of The Theory of Epistemic Rationality, by R. Foley, in Noûs, Vol. 24, #1 (1990), 185-88.
21. Review of Technical Methods in Philosophy, by J.L. Pollock, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. 10, #8 (1990), 331-32.
22. Review of The Circle of Acquaintance: Perception, Consciousness, and Empathy, by D.W. Smith, in History of European Ideas, Vol. 12, #5 (1990), 706-708.
23. Review of Knowledge and Skepticism, edited by M. Clay and K. Lehrer, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. 10, #11 (1990), 447-49.
24. Review of The Likelihood of Knowledge, by R.G. Meyers, in Noûs, Vol. 25, #1 (1991), 133-34.
25. Review of In and Out of the Black Box: On the Philosophy of Cognition, by D.W. Hamlyn, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 32, #2 (1991), 108-10.
26. Review of Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind, by P.M.S. Hacker, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 32, #4 (1991), 223-26.
27. Review of Knowledge In Perspective, by E. Sosa, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. 11, #6 (1991), 425-27.
28. Review of The Dynamics of Rational Deliberation, by B. Skyrms, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 33, #1 (1992), 30-31.
29. Review of Naturalizing Epistemology, edited by H. Kornblith, in the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 65, #4 (1991), 511-15 (formerly The New Scholasticism).
30. Review of The Logical Basis of Metaphysics, by M. Dummett, in The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 45, #3 (1992), 607-8.
31. Review of Essentialism, by G.L. Hallett, in the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 66, #1 (1992), 108-11 (formerly The New Scholasticism).
32. Review of Truth and the End of Inquiry, by C.J. Misak, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. 12, #2 (1992), 123-25.
33. Review of Liaisons: Philosophy Meets the Cognitive and Social Sciences, by A.I. Goldman, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 34, #2 (1993), 91-94.
34. Review of Testimony, by C. Coady, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 34, #3 (1993), 165-67.
35. Review of On What We Know We Don't Know, by S. Bromberger, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. 13, #5 (1993), 218-20.
36. Review of The Fourth Way: A Theory of Knowledge, by R. Grossmann, in Noûs, Vol. 27, #3 (1993), 395-97.
37. Review of Perfectionism, by T. Hurka, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews 13, #6 (1993), 42-44.
38. Review of Our Knowledge of the External World, by B. Aune, in Teaching Philosophy, Vol. 16, #3 (1993), 263-65.
39. Review of Knowledge and Belief, by F. Schmitt, in Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel, Vol. 23, ##1-4 (1994), 387-92.
40. Review of An Essay on Belief and Acceptance, by L.J. Cohen, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies Vol. 2, #1 (1994), 148-49.
41. Review of The Structure of Justification, by R. Audi, in The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 48 (1995), 640-42.
42. Review of Foundations of Rational Choice Under Risk, by P. Anand, in Mind, Vol. 104, #415 (1995), 614-17.
43. Review of three books on the philosophy of religion, by Swinburne, Clark, and Padgett, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 4, #1 (1996), 161-63.
44. Review of Jesus and His Contemporaries, by C.A. Evans, in Critical Review of Books in Religion, Vol. 8 (1995), 399-401.
45. Critical Notice of three books on rational belief and theism, by Schellenberg, Wainwright, and Senor, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 5, #1 (1997), 106-10.
46. Review of two epistemology books by C. Landesman and S. Hetherington, in The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 49, #194 (1999), 109-11.
47. Review of three books on the philosophy of religion, by Wolterstorff, Taliaferro, and Evans, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 5, #3 (1997), 449-53.
48. Review of Jesus and the Victory of God, by N.T. Wright, in Critical Review of Books in Religion, Vol. 10 (1997), 221-23.
49. Review of What are They Saying about Unbelief?, by M.P. Gallagher, in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 1, #2 (1999), 123-25.
50. Review of Reflections on Philosophy and Religion, by Alan Donagan, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 41, #1 (2000), 72-74.
51. "New Books on Epistemology of Religion" (a review of four recent books on the philosophy of religion), in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 8, #1 (2000), 125-28.
52. Review of Body & Soul: Human Nature & the Crisis in Ethics, by J. P. Moreland and Scott B. Rae, in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 2, #2 (2000), 307-11.
53. Review of Love Disconsoled, by T.P. Jackson, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 42, #3 (2001), 220-22.
54. "New Books on Darwinism," a review of two books, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 9, #1 (2001), 85-90.
55. Review of Faith With Reason, by Paul Helm, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 43, #4 (2002), 317-19.
56. Review of two recent books on the philosophy of religion, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 10, #4 (2002), 510-512.
57. Review of Religious Ambiguity and Religious Diversity, by Robert McKim, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 11, #4 (2003), 479-82.
58. Review of Self-Trust, by Keith Lehrer, in International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 35, #4 (2003), 334-35.
59. Review of The Divine Attributes, by J. Hoffman and G. Rosenkrantz, in Faith and Philosophy 21, #1 (2004), 116-19.
60. Review of Perspectives Old and New on Paul: The 'Lutheran' Paul and His Critics, by Stephen Westerholm, in Pneuma, Vol. 28, #2 (2006), 364-66.
61. Review of The Resurrection of the Son of God by N.T. Wright and The Redemption, ed. by S. Davis, D. Kendall, and G. O'Collins, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14, #2 (2006), 276-82.
62. Review of God and the Ethics of Belief, ed. by A. Dole and A. Chignell, in Philosophia Christi 8, #2 (2006), 501-503.
63. Review of Fracture: The Cross as Irreconcilable in the Language and Thought of the Biblical Writers, by Roy Harrisville, in Theological Studies, Vol. 67, #2 (2007), 471.
64. Review of Christ and Horrors, by Marilyn McCord Adams, in Faith and Philosophy Vol. 26, #1 (2009), 95-98.
65. Review of On Being a Disciple of the Crucified Nazarene: Unpublished Lectures and Sermons, by Ernst Kaesemann, in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry, Vol. 12 (2010-2011).
66. Review of History and Presence, by Robert Orsi, in Theology Today, Vol. 75, #4 (2019), 518-19 (700 words).
67. Review of Saving Fear in Christian Spirituality, ed. Ann Astell (University of Notre Dame Press, 2020), in The Way, Vol. 60, #4 (2021), 126-27, 1,010 words.
68. Review of The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience, by Simeon Zahl (Oxford University Press, 2020). in The Way, Vol. 61, #1 (2022), 122-24, 1,040 words.
69. Review of The Abuse of Conscience, by Matthew Levering (Eerdmans, 2021), in The Way, Vol. 62, #1 (2023), 126-27, 600 words.
70. Review of Obedient in Gethsemane, by Timothy Mejida, in the Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Vol. 85, #4 (October 2023), 796-97, 800 words.
71. Review of The Jesus Handbook, edited by Jens Schröter and Christine Jacobi, translated by Robert L. Brawley (Eerdmans, 2022), in The Way, Vol. 62, #4 (October 2023), 125-27, 1,000 words.
72. Review of The Varieties of Atheism, ed. David Newheiser (University of Chicago Press, 2022), forthcoming in American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, Vol. 45, #2 (2024), 1,500 words, copy-edited.
73. Review of Jean-Miguel Garrigues, God without the Idea of Evil, and Fintan Lyons, The Persistence of Evil, forthcoming in Studies in Christan Ethics (Ireland) Vol. 38, #2 (2025), 1,000 words.
74. Review of Christina M. Gschwandtner, Ways of Living Religion for The Journal of Religion, forthcoming (2025), 1,000 words.
75. Review notes for Choice (American Library Association) on about 250 books, 1988-present.
1. "Immediate Justification: A Definition and a Defense."  Presented at the 1984 Western Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Cincinnati), April 27, 1984.  Presented also at the 1983 Conference of the Central States Philosophical Association (St. Louis), October 21, 1983.
2. "New Foundations for Empirical Knowledge."  Presented at a Great Expectations Philosophy Forum (Evanston), January 10, 1984.  Presented also at a Vanderbilt University Philosophy Colloquium (Nashville), March 4, 1983.
3. "Reasons, Intuitions, and Immediate Justification: A Defense of Foundationalism."  Presented at the 1983 Conference of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (Atlanta), March 31, 1983.
4. "Against Epistemic Contextualism."  Presented at the 1982 Conference of the Tennessee Philosophical Association (Nashville), November 6, 1982.
5. "Has Wittgenstein Refuted Skepticism?"  Presented at a Vanderbilt University Philosophy Colloquium (Nashville), April 10, 1981.
6. "On Scientific Justification By Consensus."  Presented at the 1984 Wheaton Conference on the Philosophy of the Natural Sciences (Wheaton, IL), September 28, 1984.  Presented also at the 1984 Conference of the Illinois Philosophical Association (Evanston), November 2, 1984.
7. "Kripke's Wittgenstein:  Some Problems" (A Commentary).  Presented at the 1984 Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (New York), December 28, 1984.
8. "Rational Dilemmas."  Presented at the 1985 Conference of the Canadian Philosophical Association (Montreal), May 28, 1985. Presented also to a subgroup of Robert Audi's 1984 NEH Institute on Action Theory (Lincoln), June 22, 1984.
9. "Truth-Seekers, Epistemic Obligations, and Relativism."  Presented at the 1985 Conference of the Illinois Philosophical Association (Urbana, IL), November 8, 1985.
10. "In Support of Chisholm's Epistemic Logic" (A Commentary). Presented at the 1986 Central Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (St. Louis), May 2, 1986.
11. "Pure Enquirers and Truth-Seekers." Presented at the 1986 Conference of the Canadian Philosophical Association (Winnipeg), May 26, 1986.
12. "Truth, Rules, and Evidence." Presented at a Loyola University Philosophy Colloquium (Chicago), October 3, 1986.
13. "On Externalism and Empirical Justification" (A Commentary). Presented at the 1986 Conference of the Central States Philosophical Association (St. Louis), October 10, 1986.
14. "Reliabilism and Inferential Justification" (A Commentary). Presented at the 1986 Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Boston), December 29, 1986.
15. "Internalism and Foundationalism: A Defense of Empirical Justification" (A Commentary). Presented at the 1987 Pacific Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (San Francisco), March 28, 1987.
16. "Epistemic Awareness Internalism." Presented at the 1987 Conference of the Illinois Philosophical Association (Bloomington, IL), November 13, 1987.
17. "Justification, Internalism, and Skepticism." Presented at a Purdue University Philosophy Colloquium (West Lafayette, IN), April 14, 1988.
18. "Skepticism and Realism." Presented at an Ohio University Philosophy Colloquium (Athens, OH), November 4, 1988.
19. "Justification Skepticism Undone." Presented at the 1988 Conference of the Illinois Philosophical Association (Lisle, IL), November 11, 1988.
20. "William James on Rationality" (A Commentary). Presented at the 1989 Conference of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Chicago), March 4, 1989.
21. "Two Roads to Skepticism." Presented at the 1989 University of Rochester Conference on Skepticism (Rochester, NY), May 6, 1989.
22. "Skepticism and Foundationalism." Presented at a Graduate Epistemology Seminar at the University of Guelph (Guelph, Canada), September 25, 1989.
23. "Against Reliabilism." Presented at a Philosophy Colloquium at the University of Guelph (Guelph, Canada), September 26, 1989.
24. "Reasons: Evidential and Normative." Presented at a Wayne State University Philosophy Colloquium (Detroit), October 12, 1989.
25. "The Epistemologist's Predicament." Presented at a SUNY Buffalo Philosophy Colloquium (Amherst, NY), January 29, 1990.
26. "Epistemology and Semantics." Invited symposium paper presented at the 1990 Pacific Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Los Angeles), March 30, 1990.
27. "Normative Relativism." Presented at a Loyola University Philosophy Colloquium, sponsored by the Graduate Ethics Faculty, (Chicago), September 27, 1990.
28. "Epistemology and Meta-Epistemology." Presented at a University of Iowa Philosophy Colloquium (Iowa City, IA), October 19, 1990.
29. "Physicalism and Intentional Attitudes." Presented at the 1990 Joint Conference of the Central States Philosophical Association and the Illinois Philosophical Association (Edwardsville, IL), November 9-10, 1990. Presented also at the 1991 Central Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Chicago), April 27, 1991.
30. "Meta-Epistemology and Relativism." Presented at a Northern Illinois University Philosophy Colloquium (DeKalb, IL), November 14, 1990.
31. "Metaphysical Agnosticism." Presented at a Northern Illinois University Philosophy Seminar (DeKalb, IL), November 15, 1990.
32. "Relativism in Epistemology." Presented at a University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Philosophy Colloquium (Milwaukee), February 22, 1991.
33. "Relativism, Truth, and Reasons." Presented at the 1991 Conference of the Illinois Philosophical Association (DeKalb, IL), November 9, 1991. Presented also at the 1992 Central Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Louisville), April 25, 1992.
34. "Neurath and Protocols" (A Commentary). Presented at the 1991 Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (New York), December 30, 1991.
35. "Rationality, Morality, and `Why Care?' Questions" (with T.L. Carson). Presented as a symposium paper at the 1992 Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Washington, D.C.), December 30, 1992. Abstract in Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Vol. 66, #2 (1992), 75-77.
36. "Taking Skepticism Seriously." Presented at the 1993 Central Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Chicago), April 23, 1993.
37. "Objectivity and Relativity in Philosophy." Presented as the keynote address at the 1994 Augustana College Undergraduate Philosophy Conference (Rock Island, IL), March 26, 1994.
38. "Probability and Rational Decision-Making" (with D.H. Mulder). Presented by Mulder at the 1994 Central Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Kansas City), May 6, 1994.
39. "Epistemology: Alive and Here to Stay." Presented at the 1995 Wheaton Philosophy Conference on Epistemology (Wheaton, IL), October 27, 1995.
40. "Nothing is Wrong With Immediate Knowledge" (A Commentary). Presented at the 1995 Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association (New York), December 28, 1995.
41. "Is There Philosophy Without the Natural Sciences?" Presented to the Loyola University Philosophy Club (Chicago), March 13, 1996.
42. "The Nature of Human Persons." Presented at an interdisciplinary conference on human persons (Mundelein, IL), March 23, 1996. Presented also to a philosophy colloquium at Biola University/Talbot School of Theology (La Mirada, CA), May 9, 1996.
43. "On Evidence and Theism." Presented to a Loyola University Philosophy Department Colloquium (Chicago), April 22, 1996.
44. "The Epistemology of Theism." Presented to a philosophy colloquium at Biola University/Talbot School of Theology (La Mirada, CA), May 9, 1996.
45. "Epistemological Fission: The State of Epistemology." Presented as the opening address at the 1996 SUNY Buffalo Philosophy Conference on Epistemology (Amherst, NY), September 26, 1996.
46. "Moral Foundations for Knowledge of God." Presented at the 1996 Wheaton Philosophy Conference on Religion and Morality (Wheaton, IL), November 1, 1996.
47. "Philosophy, Wisdom, and the Christian God." Presented as the 1997 Faith and Philosophy Lecture at North Park College and Seminary (Chicago, IL), April 24, 1997. Presented also to a Philosophy Department Colloquium at Hope College (Holland, MI), October 3, 1997.
48. "Human Persons: Their Nature, Faith, and Function." Presented at the 1997 North Park Seminary Symposium on anthropology (Chicago), October 17, 1997.
49. "Is Belief in God Rational?" Presented at a Loyola University of Chicago Philosophy Club Debate (Chicago), November 13, 1997.
50. "Epistemology Today." Presented to a Philosophy Department Colloquium at Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL), April 24, 1998.
51. "The Human Factor: Philosophical Foundations." Presented at the 1998 Conference on the Human Factor and Development in the 21st Century (Chicago), July 10, 1998.
52. "Skepticism, Question Begging, and Burden Shifting." Presented at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy (Boston), August 12, 1998. Presented also at the 1998 Conference of the Illinois Philosophical Association (Chicago, IL), November 6, 1998.
53. "On the Theological Significance of Jesus: Reply to Stephen Davis." Presented at the 1998 North Park Seminary Symposium on Jesus (Chicago), October 24, 1998.
54. "Beyond Epistemological Idolatry." Presented at the 1998 Wheaton Philosophy Conference on Warrant and Christian Belief (Wheaton, IL), October 30, 1998.
55. "Epistemology and Idolatry." Presented at a plenary session of the 1999 Pacific Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers (Newberg, OR), April 9, 1999.
56. "Knowing the God who Hides and Seeks." Presented at the 1999 Pacific Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers (Newberg, OR), April 10, 1999. Presented also to a meeting of the Loyola Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (Chicago), April 14, 1999.
57. "Skepticism Undone." Presented at a Purdue University Philosophy Colloquium (West Lafayette, IN), April 22, 1999.
58. Participant in a discussion on the existence of God on Milton Rosenberg's WGN Radio show, Extension 720, May 13, 1999.
59. "Finding the God of Power who Hides and Seeks." Presented at the 2000 Intervarsity Conference for Faculty and Graduate Students, at the University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, March 11, 2000.
60. "Defending Internalism: A Reply." Presented at the 2000 Meeting of the Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, April 22, 2000.
61. "Reason and God." Presented at the Conference on Christianity in Today's Marketplace of Ideas, Oak Park, IL, November 11, 2000.
62. "Cognitive Idolatry." Presented as a plenary lecture at the 2000 Conference of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Nashville, November 17, 2000.
63. "The Hiddenness of God." Presented as a symposium paper at the Evangelical Philosophical Society Session of the 2000 American Academy of Religion Conference, Nashville, November 18, 2000.
64. "Why Isn't God Obvious?" Presented at a Loyola Philosophy Department Breakfast for Alumni, Faculty, and Staff, Chicago, December 5, 2000.
65. "Naturalism and the Nature of Philosophy" (with D. Yandell). Presented by Yandell at the 2000 Baylor University Conference on the Role of Naturalism in Science, April 13, 2000.
66. "God and Moral Transformation" (the Konyndyk Memorial Lecture for the Society of Christian Philosophers). Presented at the 2001 Central Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Minneapolis, MN, May 3, 2001. Presented also at a philosophy colloquium at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, April 25, 2001.
67. "Cognitive Idolatry." Guest lecture presented to a graduate course at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL, June 5, 2001.
68. "Divine Hiddenness." Guest lecture presented to a graduate course at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL, June 5, 2001.
69. "Cognitive Inspiration and Knowledge of God." Presented as a McManis Lecture at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, April 18, 2002.
70. "The Limits of Darwinism." Presented at an interdisciplinary colloquium on Darwinism sponsored by Columbia College, Chicago, September 14, 2002.
71. "Religion without God?" Presented to a Loyola University Chicago Philosophy Colloquium, February 18, 2004.
72. "A Scandalous God." General lecture presented at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, May 7, 2004.
73. "God Beyond Philosophy." Guest lecture presented to a philosophy course at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, May 7, 2004.
74. "Is Christian Theism Incompatible with God's Hiddenness?" Presentation at Trinity College, Deerfield, IL, April 12, 2005.
75. "The Curriculum of Death: Living through Dying." Presented at an American Philosophical Association Symposium on "God, Death, and the Meaning of Life," Chicago, IL, April 28, 2005.
76. "Skepticism about Religious Skepticism." Presented at a philosophy conference in honor of Keith E. Yandell, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, September 15, 2005.
77. "Is God a Fiction or Just Plain Mean?" Presented to the Loyola University Philosophy Honors Society and Philosophy Club, Chicago, October 12, 2005.
78. "Person-Defining Cognitive Decisions." Presented as an Episteme Lecture at North Central High School, Indianapolis, April 26, 2006.
79. "Doubts about Skepticism." Presented as an Episteme Lecture at North Central High School, Indianapolis, April 26, 2006.
80. "From Forgiveness to Knowledge of God." Presented at the spring 2007 Society of Christian Philosophers meeting with the Pacific Division American Philosophical Association meetings, San Francisco, April 4, 2007.
81. "Evidence, Authority, and Resurrection." Presented at the 2008 Mere Anglicanism Conference, Charleston, SC, February 2, 2008.
82. Faculty Book Publication Discussion of The Elusive God, sponsored by the Loyola University Chicago Center for Catholic Intellectual Heritage, Chicago, IL, September 9, 2008.
83. "Evidentialism and Theism." Presented at a Philosophy Department Colloquium at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, October 6, 2008.
84. "Inclusive Christian Exclusivism." Presented at the 2008 Midwest Meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, with the American Academy of Religion, Chicago, November 1, 2008.
85. "Kerygmatic Philosophy." Presented as a plenary lecture at the 2008 Eastern Meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Providence, RI, November 20, 2008.
86. "Beyond Natural Theology to Kerygmatic Philosophy." Presented at a Philosophy Department Colloquium at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, December 2, 2008.
87. Presentation on "Jesus and Philosophy," at the 2008 Intervarsity Conference on Human Flourishing, Chicago, December 29, 2008.
88. "God as Cognitive Ground: Doing Without Natural Theology." Presented as a keynote address at the 4th Annual Philosophy of Religion Conference at Baylor University, Waco, TX, February 5, 2009.
89. "Where is the Philosopher?: On Our becoming Personifying Evidence of God." Presented as the 2009 Bethel Lecture in Philosophy, Bethel College, Mishawaka, IN, March, 24, 2009.
90. "Seeing isn't Believing: the Epistemology of John 12." Presented as a chapel lecture at Bethel College, Mishawaka, IN, March 25, 2009.
91. "On Our becoming Revelatory Evidence of God." Presented at a conference on Philosophy and Revelation by the Kuyper Center at Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, April 18, 2009.
92. "Expecting a Severe God: On Divine Severity." Presented as a Byron Bitar Memorial Lecture at Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA, April 27, 2011.
93. "Expecting a Severe God: On Human Expectations of God." Presented as a Byron Bitar Memorial Lecture at Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA, April 28, 2011.
94. "Where is the God who Hides?" Presented at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, October 13, 2011.
95. "The God of Gethsemane: Volitional and Self-Authenticating," & "On Two Friends of Natural Theology: A Response." Presented at a symposium on Moser, The Evidence for God, sponsored by the Philosophy of Religion Group, at the APA Central Division Meetings, Chicago, IL, February 18, 2012. Short version presented at North Park University, Dept. of Philosophy, Chicago, IL, January 24, 2012.
96. "Christ-Shaped Philosophy: Wisdom and Spirit United." Presented at a conference on Christian thought sponsored by the Biola University Center for Christian Thought, La Mirada, CA, May 18, 2012. Included on the Evangelical Philosophical Society website here.
97. "Divine Hiddenness and Self-Sacrifice." Presented at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL, October 8, 2013.
98. "On Giving God Permission to Self-Reveal." Presented to Students in Theological Studies at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL, February 22, 2016.
99. Interview on Christianity and Philosophy, with Dale Tuggy, Nov. 25, 2016, at: or at:
100. "Redemptive Suffering: Divine and Human." Presented at an EPS/ETS plenary session, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, March 10, 2017.
101. "God, Evil, and Repentance." Presented at First Presbyterian Church of Evanston, Evanston, IL, January 27, 2019.
1. God on Trial: Testing for the Divine, book manuscript, 8 chapters, 80,000 words, under contract with Fortress Press; for 2025.
2. Psalms for Life through Jesus, book manuscript in progress.
3. What Jesus and Paul Saw: Perfect God of Catharsis, book manuscript in progress, 5 chapters.
4. "Victory Theodicy for Perfecting Love: A Christ-Shaped Resolution," article in progress, 6,500 words.
5. "Pursued by Good, Tested by God," article in progress.
6. "Redemptive Uncertainty: Doubt and Trust," article in progress.
7. "Playing God," article in progress.
8. "Divine Manifestation in Perfect Power: Recognizing the Spirit of Christ Crucified," article under review, 7,300 words.
9. "Paul's Gospel of Divine Catharsis: A Neglected Center," article in progress, 6,500 words.
Editor, American Philosophical Quarterly, May 2007-July 1, 2013.
General Editor (with Chad Meister) of the Cambridge University Press Book Series, Cambridge Studies in Religion, Philosophy, and Society, 2013-present (12 vols. published).
General Editor (with Chad Meister) of the Cambridge University Press Book Series, Cambridge Elements Series on Religion and Monotheism, June 2018-present (6 vols. published).
General Editor of Oxford University Press Book Series, Oxford Handbooks of Philosophy, begun in 2000.
General Editor of Routledge Book Series, Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy, 1994-present.
General Editor of Routledge Book Series, Contemporary Readings in Philosophy, 2000-present.
General Editor of Rowman & Littlefield Book Series, Studies in Epistemology and Cognitive Theory, 1989-2007.
Member of the Board of Editorial Consultants for the American Philosophical Quarterly, 1992-1995, 1995-1998, 1998-2001, 2001-2004, 2004-2007, 2013-2016, 2016-2019, 2019-2022.
Member of the Editorial Board for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1993-98, 1998-present.
Member of the Advisory Board for European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2007-July 4, 2023.
Member of Board of Consultants for Philosophy of Religion for Philosophy Compass, 2010-present.
Member of the Board of Editorial Consultants for History of Philosophy Quarterly, 1995-98, 1998-2001, 2002-2008.
Member of the Editorial Board for Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2001-2017. Resigned Dec. 2017.
Member of the Editorial Board for the Review of Human Factor Studies, 2000-2001, 2002-2003.
Elected Member of the American Philosophical Association's Central Division Nominating Committee, 1998.
Elected Member of the American Philosophical Association's Committee on the Status and Future of the Profession, 1996-1998.
Member of the Advisory Committee to the Eastern Division American Philosophical Association Program Committee, 2000-2003.
Co-Chair of the section on Philosophical Methodology for the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy (Boston, 1998).
Elected 1989-1990 Vice-President and Program Chairperson of the Illinois Philosophical Association.
Referee of book manuscripts for: Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Cornell University Press, University of Chicago Press, Routledge Ltd., Indiana University Press, Fordham University Press, Polity Press, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Blackwell Publishers, Continuum Publishing, Greenwood Press, Westview Press, Open Court, Catholic University of America Press, Wadsworth Publishers, McGraw-Hill Publishers, University of Pittsburgh Press, and others.
Referee of article manuscripts for: Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Synthese, Grazer Philosophische Studien, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Journal of Philosophical Research, American Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Psychology, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Oxford Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Papers, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Science, Religion, and Culture, History of Philosophy Quarterly, The Monist, Faith and Philosophy, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Sophia, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Religious Studies, European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Christian Scholar's Review, Annals of Philosophy (Poland), Modern Theology, Theological Studies, Journal of Spiritual Formation, Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, Review of Human Factor Studies, Res Philosophica, and others.
Reviewer-consultant for Choice (American Library Association), 1988-present.
Reviewer for the National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of Research Programs.
Evaluator for the Philosophy Book Award of the Council of Graduate Schools, 1992.
External reviewer of numerous applications for tenure, promotion, and titled professorships at various universities.
Chair of (denumerably) many philosophy conference sessions.
Loyola University of Chicago Paid Research Leave-of-Absence (competitively awarded), January-May 2019.
Loyola University of Chicago Summer Research Stipend (competitively awarded), May-August 1997.
Loyola University of Chicago Summer Research Stipend (competitively awarded), May-August 1996.
Loyola University of Chicago Summer Research Stipend (competitively awarded), May-August 1995.
NEH Summer Research Grant, May-July 1994.
Loyola University of Chicago Summer Research Stipend (competitively awarded), May-August 1992.
Loyola University of Chicago Paid Research Leave-of-Absence (competitively awarded), September-December 1991.
Loyola University of Chicago Summer Research Stipend (competitively awarded), May-August 1991. (I was required to decline this award, owing to my acceptance of the previous award.)
Loyola University of Chicago Summer Research Stipend (competitively awarded), May-August 1990.
Loyola University of Chicago Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Development Stipend (competitively awarded), May-August 1989.
Loyola University of Chicago Paid Research Leave-of-Absence (competitively awarded), September-December 1988.
NEH Faculty Development Stipend, May-August 1988 (competitively awarded by Loyola University of Chicago).
NEH Summer Research Grant, May-July 1987 (for the completion of Knowledge and Evidence).
Loyola University of Chicago Full-Time Summer Research Grant, June-August 1986 (for work on an early version of Knowledge and Evidence).
NEH Institute Fellowship, Summer 1984 (for participation in the 1984 NEH Institute on Action Theory, directed by Robert Audi).
Vanderbilt University Full-Time Research Grant, June 1982-June 1983 (for work on an early version of Empirical Justification).
American Educational Studies Association 1992 Critics' Choice Award for Knowledge and Evidence.
Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit universities and colleges honor society) 2011 Philosophy Book Award for The Elusive God (Cambridge University Press, 2008). Honorary member of Alpha Sigma Nu, October 14, 2012.
Contemporary Epistemology (Graduate and Undergraduate Levels)
Philosophy of Religion (Graduate and Undergraduate Levels)
Kierkegaard (Graduate and Undergraduate Levels)
Rationality (Graduate and Undergraduate Levels)
Language and Mind (Graduate Level)
Analytic Philosophy (Graduate and Undergraduate Levels)
Recent Pragmatism (Graduate Level)
Wittgenstein and Anglo-American Philosophy (Graduate Level)
Philosophical Issues in Cognitive Science (Graduate Level)
Moral Epistemology (Graduate Level)
Wittgenstein (Graduate Level)
Intentionality (Graduate Level)
Epistemology & Religion (Graduate Level)
Philosophy of Religion: Pascal (Graduate Level)
Philosophy of Science
Theory of Knowledge (Graduate and Undergraduate Levels)
Values and Rational Action
Philosophy and Persons
Knowledge and Reality: Truth
Knowledge and Reality: Science
Knowledge and Reality: Cognitive Science (including Honors Sections)
Knowledge and Reality: Logic
Knowledge and Reality: Philosophical Psychology
Knowledge and Reality: Religion (Honors)
Action and Value: Ethics
Classical Modern Philosophy
Philosophy of Human Nature
Introduction to Philosophy (at Vanderbilt University)
Chairperson of the Loyola Philosophy Department, August 1997 to January 1, 2013.
Faculty Director of the Loyola University Core Curriculum, July 2004 to July 2009.
Editor of LUC Core Curriculum Guide, 2006; 2nd ed., 2007; 3rd ed., 2008.
Chairperson of the Loyola Philosophy Deparment Teaching Evaluation Committee, August 2016 to present.
Elected Member of the Philosophy Department Hiring Committee, 1984-1986, 1986-1988, 1989-1991, 1991-1993, 1993-1995, 1995-1997.
Elected Member of the Philosophy Graduate Executive Committee, 1984-1986, 1986-1988.
Elected Member of the Philosophy Rank-and-Tenure Review Committee, 1987-1988, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, 1994-1995, 1995-1996. Elected also as chairman of this Committee (1987-1988, 1989-1990) by its members.
Elected Member of the Philosophy Committee on Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid, 1988-1991, 1991-1993, 1993-1995, 1995-1997.
Elected Member of the Philosophy Department Executive Committee, advisory to the Chairman, 1990.
Elected Director of the Philosophy Anglo-American Ph.D. Program, 1990-1992, and Co-Director for 1992-1996. (I served in this capacity on the Philosophy Graduate Program Administration Committee, 1990-1994, 1995-1997.)
Chairman of the Philosophy Department Library Committee, 1984-present.
Appointed Member of the Loyola University Graduate Fellowships Committee, 1986-87.
Philosophy Representative to the Loyola University M.A. Council, Spring 1984-85.
Philosophy Representative to the Loyola University Academic Council, Fall 1984-85.
Chairman of the Philosophy Department Colloquium Committee, 1984-1985.
Member of 16 Philosophy Ph.D. Dissertation Committees (including 12 directorships), 1983-2017.
Co-Designer (with A. vander Nat) of the Philosophy Department's Ph.D. Program in the History of Philosophy (Approved by the Department in 1986).
Member of Philosophy Examination Boards for Ph.D. Candidacy Exams and M.A. Exams (1986-99).
Member of Philosophy Department Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam Committee for Epistemology and Metaphysics (1987, 1989, 1994).
Chair of Philosophy Department Mellon Award Committee (1987).
Co-Director of the 1984 Fall Loyola-Mellon Symposium on Philosophy and Culture.
Evaluator of several part-time and nontenured philosophy teachers, 1984-1991.
Director of independent graduate studies on Perception, Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Epistemology, Conceptual Schemes, Theories of Meaning, Explanation, and Philosophy of Religion (1985-present).
Chair of College Search Committee for Department of Theology Chairperson (2002), Department of Communication Chairperson (2003), and the Ellacuria Chair in Philosophy (2007).
Member of the President's and Provost's Committee for Student Success (2008).
Member of the Provost's Search Committee for Vice-Provost for Research (2019-2020).
Born 1957 in Bismarck, North Dakota, USA
Office Phone: (773) 508-2291
Fax: (773) 508-2292
Office Address: Philosophy Department, Crown Center 381, Loyola University Chicago, 1032 West Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60660-1537, USA.